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    It seems as though there are issues with the way the "data" column is stored.. or processed in the gears_access_policies table.. Please let me know if I am just simply missing a setting somewhere..

    If I go into Security > Access Controls , right click on a user group to "Update User Group" .. and then right click on "web" in the Context Access tab to "Update Context Access".. I am shown the "access Policey" which is being used on this group... in the "Permissions in Selected Policey" area I am shown way more than what is enabled on this policey... If I click to change the Access policy.. to the same one that was selected the permissions then show correctly... I click save and exit.. if I do it again the permissions are back to being incorrect.

    I had originally thought this was an issue only on my Manager policy but that isn't correct.. Looking at the actual data in db table the data is correct... but for any policies i can find which have permissions set to false in the actual data I have the same inability to specify the permissiion as unavailable on the policy..

    This stays put no matter of flushing permissions, or flushing all sessions.. it looks like if a permission is mentioned in the data column of a policy.. even if it is set to false it functions as if it reads true..

    And BTW, this is how it works right now, the manager policy should only have 24 of the 172 available but the user has all permissions granted. If it is in the database table.. even if it is set to false.

    access_category_enabled = yes
    access_context_enabled = yes
    access_resource_group_enabled = yes

    Please let me know of other things I should check on. Thanks.