I have a MODx evo install at www.celtictravellingbooks.com, and the contact page enquiry form is showing error
Main mail: Mailer was unable to send mailCould not instantiate mail function.
Am using
[!eForm? &formid=`ContactForm` &subject=`[+subject+]` &to=`[(emailsender)]` &ccsender=`1` &tpl=`ContactForm` &report=`ContactFormReport` &invalidClass=`invalidValue` &requiredClass=`requiredValue` &cssStyle=`ContactStyles` &gotoid=`46` !]
The site hosted on UK2 dedicated server on Linux Server
Any help would be most appreciated, thanks Stewart
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Does the PHP mail() function work at all? Have you tested it with an external script?