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    • 44232
    • 1 Posts
    Hi guys, I've move my revo web site to another server and now every thing works. I've only a problem, when I try to log into the manager, with firefox I get a blank page, with chrome I get a message of error. Can someone help me?

    Thank's in advance

    • Check into the documentation at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Moving+Your+Site+to+a+New+Server

      Updating your Config Files

      Once you've deployed files to the new server, you need to update the main configuration file: core/config/config.inc.php. You have to update paths to 6 different resources. Open the file and update the values for the following variables doing a find and replace:

      /* PATHS */
      $modx_core_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/';
      $modx_processors_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/model/modx/processors/';
      $modx_connectors_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/connectors/';
      $modx_manager_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/manager/';
      $modx_base_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/';
      $modx_assets_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/assets/';

      /* HOST (used for command-line PHP stuff) */

      If you are also moving your site into or out of a subfolder, be sure to update the variables such as $modx_connectors_url, $modx_manager_url, and $modx_base_url. They should generally
      end with a slash (e.g., $modx_base_url='/' for a site not in a subfolder).
      Before you can edit your config file, you may need to loosen up the permissions. After you've edited it, be sure you restore the read-only permissions on the file.

      There are also 3 additional configuration files that contain two PHP constants:

      define('MODX_CORE_PATH', '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/');
      define('MODX_CONFIG_KEY', 'config');


      Make sure you update the paths in these files as well.
        Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
        "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
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        • 39344
        • 23 Posts
        Hello geronimop,

        did you clear the "/core/cache/" folder on your server with your FTP tool? Just delete the contents of the folder (not the folder itself).

        Next, make sure that you also clear the cache and cookies of your browser(s).

        Try again after that.

        If that is not working, make sure you have the correct paths set in your config.inc.php. There are six locations where a path is set.

        Good luck!


        Damn, i was too slow laugh Also your answer is more complete... Well, i suck. Greetings [ed. note: harde_76 last edited this post 10 years, 10 months ago.]