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    • 37044
    • 68 Posts
    Ok so to put this into context I have signed up to the Modx cloud and ported all of my Revo sites in and set up any new sites I have into it. Working fine - great.

    However I still have a number of old Evo sites that are live but very much approaching end of life.

    I want to get all of my sites in one hosting environment for ease of management and also cost because at the moment I have Modx cloud hosting for my Revos and also standard hosting for the Evo installs.

    I am aware that you can port from Evo to Revo as described here http://modx.com/learn/modx-college/migrating-from-evo-to-revo/ and also using the Provisioner http://modx.com/extras/package/provisioner plugin (which I have not had much success with in the past).

    Either way as far as I am concerned any dev on these Evo sites will be a wast of time for me as they are as mentioned approaching end of life.

    So my proposed idea:

    1. Set up a new Modx cloud
    2. Empty the root of all Revo files
    3. FTP up my old Evo install
    4. Install PHPMA purge the Revo data base
    5. Then upload the Evo data base and set the passwords in the config to be correct for the Evo install

    I appreciate that this may mean a lot of the cloud functionality wont work at all / or as expected but just to use it as a basic Evo host / web space - would this work huh

    Any suggestions welcome - Thanks.
    • Yes, you can install and run Evo. Just make sure you get your Revo's database info first, as you'll need to use that same database. As you said, the extra goodies like backups and snapshots probably won't work. Backups might.
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        • 37044
        • 68 Posts
        Quote from: sottwell at Jun 20, 2013, 01:08 PM
        Yes, you can install and run Evo. Just make sure you get your Revo's database info first, as you'll need to use that same database. As you said, the extra goodies like backups and snapshots probably won't work. Backups might.

        Thanks Susan! I will try it now.
          • 37044
          • 68 Posts
          The below steps are apparently tried and tested. Thanks to @marksmedley for doing the work!

          1) Create new cloud in production
          2) Find the database password for the new revo site in the config.inc.php and save it.
          3) FTP into the new site and delete everything in the www folder
          4) Grab SQL and files from old server
          5) Comment out the 'create database' statment in the sql dump (You dont have that permission in the cloud)
          6) Find the old config.inc.php and copy the database details from the new server including database name
          7) Install phpmyadmin to the cloud
          8) Drop the revo database tables
          9) Import the old evo sql.
          10) FTP up the old evo files.
          11) Update the nginx to include at the end:

          location /  {
                                    index  index.php index.html;
                                    if (!-e $request_filename)
                                       rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 last;

          This will make friendly URLs work. All other rewrites need to be before.
          12) Reset file base path & File Manager path in the configuration tab of the evo site.

          TADA! You now have evo in the cloud!