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    The MODx website states Evolution is PHP4 up. I don't wanna be that guy but that's bs.

    As user kulmjens already pointed out, some error-types need php5.3.3+ for Evo 1.0.10. Allthough he worked around it. http://forums.modx.com/thread/84905/error-types-and-php-5-3-e-deprecated-and-e-user-deprecated#dis-post-468166

    Also function memory_get_peak_usage() is used, which is php5.2+ There are probably more occassions where your php version might not be sufficient. The installer installs fine. Manager seems fine too. Then you visit your site aaand it's gone :-/
    I upgraded from 1.0.7 (with manual fixes for security) so I wasn't aware of this (either)..

    Simply adding some correct requirements and checks can prevent people from useless installations?
    [ed. note: IngMA last edited this post 10 years, 10 months ago.]
      Accelerate your Windows system with 9.8 m/s2.
    • I suspect these were oversights; it's very easy to get caught out using a newer function without realizing it.

      Unless, of course, Evo's requirements are changing without my noticing, which certainly could be the case.
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      • The Evo core could work with PHP4 but some core extras (i.e. Ditto) won't work for both PHP5.4 and PHP4. AFAIK all current members of the Evo ambassador team don't have any PHP4 driven webserver available for testing, so it is quite difficult to check all changes on PHP4. The team decided to drop PHP4 support for both reasons, but that was not communicated well.

        The requirements on http://develop.modx.com/develop/evolution/requirements/ have been changed but these requirements were not checked during installation.