Quite a while ago but i seem to be stuck on this aswel? Hope you've got it fixed and might have an idea why mine isn't working?
Image+ Error: Invalid Media Source
JSON for Formtabs:
{"caption":"Afbeelding", "fields":[
"caption":"ImagePlus Afbeelding",
"sourceFrom": "migx",
"sources": [{
"context": "web",
"sourceid": "1"
JSON for Grid columns:
"header": "Afbeeldingen",
"width": "250", "sortable": "false",
"dataIndex": "image",
"renderer": "ImagePlus.MIGX_Renderer"
I have tried calling this MIGX TV with:
[[ImagePlus? &tvname=`tv_auto_gallery` &type=`tpl` &tpl=`ImagePlus.demo`]]
[[!getImageList? &tvname=`tv_auto_gallery` &tpl=`@CODE:<li>[[+idx]]<img src="[[+image]]"/><p>[[+title]]</p></li>`]]
Anyone got an idea what i'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,