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    • 40359
    • 25 Posts
    Little help with permissions... I want web visitors to be able to ask questions, and administrator to answer them. I made a snippet for creating resources on front-end, but I don't want users to login on website, just to type question, is there any way to allow basic web users for creating resources, but that they can't access manager?
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Users can create resources in the front end with NewsPublisher (http://bobsguides.com/newspublisher-tutorial.html). If you set it up right, they will have no access to the Manager. You can customize the form to do what you need. You could type your answer into the resource below the user's question. You could create a TV (not shown in the form - default value: no) that stores whether it has been answered yet, in case you want to use that for something.

      Another way to go would be Discuss: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Discuss -- more difficult to set up, but it would let you have a conversation with the user instead of just a question and an answer.
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