Hi all,
I have been running 2 Ajaxsearches on my site for a while now, and they return 2 images from pages that match the search criteria. The problem is it takes a while from the search query to view the search results. My calls are:
[!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showIntro=`0` &showResults=`0` &landingPage=`60` &advSearch=`allwords`!]
[!AjaxSearch? &asId=`as2` &ajaxSearch=`0` &showIntro=`0` &showResults=`0` &landingPage=`79` &advSearch=`allwords`!]
The landing pages have this code:
[!AjaxSearch? &hideMenu=`0` &ajaxSearch=`0` &parents=`71,212,267,277,506,594,818` &withTV=`pagetitle` &tvPhx=`Factfile,Factfile2` &order=`pagetitle` &rank=`description:100,longtitle:10,pagetitle:10` &extract=`2:longtitle,introtext` &highlightResult=`0`!]
[!AjaxSearch? &asId=`as2` &hideMenu=`0` &ajaxSearch=`0` &parents=`71,81,211,212,256,267,277,294,376,500,506,577,594,818` &withTV=`pagetitle` &tvPhx=`Factfile,Factfile2` &order=`pagetitle` &rank=`description:100,longtitle:10,pagetitle:10` &extract=`2:longtitle,introtext` &highlightResult=`0`!]
respectively. Can anyone see what might be slowing my search? Is it as simple as I am asking it to look into som many parent files?
Any help appreciated, thank you