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    • 37758
    • 73 Posts
    OK, so I have three different media sources that I want to make available to different user groups. Logged in as default admin, that works OK and I can choose from the drop-down above the file tree what media source I want to see. however, for anyone else logging in, this doesn't work. I have not restricted any of the media sources, yet, when e.g. a member of the editors group logs in, all they can see in the dropdown is a "1" which happens to be the id of the media source I want them to see, but it should say the name of the media source. I also want them to be able to see another media source, but whatever I try, I can't get them to see it. I have flushed permissions and cleared the cache multiple times, yet no joy. Even worse, if I start restricting a media source to a specific user group, the files actually disappear from their file tree?? Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

      • 37758
      • 73 Posts
      - it seems this bug is not fixed for me, even though I do have the settings mentioned
      - also, I have checked the default the "Default Media Source" system setting which actually shows as "1" and when edited is just blank?

      any ideas what's going on here?
        • 37758
        • 73 Posts
        another update:
        First I updated to Revo 2.2.7 as there was some hints about bugs related to media sources in older versions. That didn't do much.
        Then, I finally worked out what the problem was: my editors didn't have the "source_view" setting ticked in the "Editor" access policy. I have now ticked this and now editors can view the list of media sources. Hope this helps someone, took me ages to work out what was going on