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    • 43636
    • 1 Posts
    Hey, i am developing an extra as having a text and image. i have implemented text add, updated and delete functioning via ccshows.grid.js and other helping files. But i am unable to handle the image filed in the grid. please help me to sort this image field to work like CURD. i want to add listen event to "xtype: 'modx-combo-browser'" which will upload/preview the image and n update it should get inserted to db. As i am new to ExtJs

    Mycode in grid as:

    CCShows.window.UpdateCCShow = function(config) {
    config = config || {};
    title: _('ccshows.ccshow_update')
    ,url: CCShows.config.connectorUrl
    ,baseParams: {
    action: 'mgr/ccshow/update'
    ,fields: [{
    xtype: 'hidden'
    ,name: 'id'
    xtype: 'textfield'
    ,fieldLabel: _('ccshows.name')
    ,name: 'name'
    ,anchor: '100%'
    xtype: 'textarea'
    ,fieldLabel: _('ccshows.description')
    ,name: 'description'
    ,anchor: '100%'
    xtype: 'modx-combo-browser'
    ,fieldLabel: _('ccshows.image')
    ,name: 'image'
    xtype: 'modx-combo-browser'
    ,fieldLabel: _('ccshows.bannerimage')
    ,name: 'bannerimage'
    • Try adding the below setting after your url setting and before the baseParams.

      ,fileUpload: true

      This should then give you the standard modx file manager window.

        Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
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