Hello, I use ManagerLogin snippet and with the new version modx 1.0.10 dont work anymore.
I think the problem is on line 139 to line 141 of file managerlogin.inc.php dont do the correct for new Password hash algorithm in manager.
if ($usr_password != md5($form_password)) {
$errors[] = $_lang['err_invalid_passwd'];
Any ideas...?
I don't know/use that Snippet, but you're right as for the changed hash generation.
Take a look at genHash() function in manager.api.class.inc.php
Try to replace md5(pw) with $modx->manager->genHash(pw,uid) to upgrade your custom snippet for Evo 1.0.9+
If this gives errors, my guess would be you're not (yet) in manager and can't use the getHash functions? Maybe you can clone these to your snippet.
[ed. note: IngMA last edited this post 11 years, 7 months ago.]
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