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    • 42681
    • 64 Posts
    Is it really necessary to use

    if you use formit and <form>?

    For a a special site where I would like to avoid a page-reload without parameters (like: ?par=16) I tried this in combination with a [[formit]]-call:
    <form method="post">

    ... and as far as I can see it works. But the question is if this could maybe lead to an error which I don´t see at the moment.

    Does anybody know this?
      • 37946
      • 70 Posts
      All this means

      Is that the form is going to submit to itself. So, if that's something you don't want - or have other plans in mind (e.g. ajax post) then I would say no. The markup may not validate, but that's up to you if that's acceptable or not.