// [[orderDetailsInToSESSION]] if ( empty($_GET['customer']) ) return "no customer account specified"; else { // sanitize and validate the input type to make sure it's what you are expecting; $customer = $modx->db->escape($_GET['customer']); $orderId = $modx->db->escape($_GET['orderId']); // get the details from the orderId $db_query = $modx->db->select("productId, quantity", $modx->getFullTableName('customer_order_details'), "orderId='" . $orderId . "'"); if ($modx->db->getRecordCount($db_query) > 0) { while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($db_query)) { // get the current prices and names of the products previously ordered $document_tvs = $modx->getTemplateVars(array("pagetitle", "price", "specialPrice"), "name", $row['productId']); // to put the returned array into a simpler/easier to use array use the following if (is_array($document_tvs)) { foreach( $document_tvs as $document_TV) { $docTVArray[$document_TV['name']] = $document_TV['value']; } } // put these details into the session $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][] = Array ( 'productId' => $row['productId'], 'productTitle' => $docTVArray['pagetitle'], 'price' => ( !empty( $docTVArray['specialPrice']) ) ? $docTVArray['specialPrice'] : $docTVArray['price'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'] ); } } // if the productId is 219 get the 4 items in the row and add to session array if ($_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['productId'] == 219) { $db_query = $modx->db->SELECT("hummusOne, hummusTwo, mayo, jam", $modx->getFullTableName('customer_order_giftpack_details'), "orderId='" . $orderId . "'"); if ($modx->db->getRecordCount($db_query) > 0) { while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($db_query)) { $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['hummusOne'] => $row['hummusOne'], $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['hummusTwo'] => $row['hummusTwo'], $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['mayo'] => $row['mayo'], $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['jam'] => $row['jam'] ); } } } // end of product219 if }
This question has been answered by breezer. See the first response.
// if the productId is 219 get the 4 items in the row and add to session array if ( $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['productId'] == 219 ) { $items = $modx->db->getRow( $modx->db->select( 'hummusOne, hummusTwo, mayo, jam', $modx->getFullTableName( 'customer_order_giftpack_details' ), 'orderId="' . $orderId .'"' ) ); if( $items ){ $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['hummusOne'] = $items['hummusOne']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['hummusTwo'] = $items['hummusTwo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['mayo'] = $items['mayo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents']['jam'] = $items['jam']; } } // end of product219 if
// if the productId is 219 get the 4 items in the row and add to session array if ( $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['productId'] == 219 ) { $items = $modx->db->getRow( $modx->db->select( 'hummusOne, hummusTwo, mayo, jam', $modx->getFullTableName( 'customer_order_giftpack_details' ), 'orderId="' . $orderId .'"' ) ); if( $items ){ $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['hummusOne'] = $items['hummusOne']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['hummusTwo'] = $items['hummusTwo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['mayo'] = $items['mayo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['jam'] = $items['jam']; } } // end of product219 if
// [[orderDetailsInToSESSION]] if ( empty( $_GET['customer'] ) ){ return "no customer account specified"; }else{ // sanitize and validate the input type to make sure it's what you are expecting; $customer = $modx->db->escape( $_GET['customer'] ); $orderId = $modx->db->escape( $_GET['orderId'] ); // get the details from the orderId $order_details = $modx->db->getRow( $modx->db->select( 'productId, quantity', $modx->getFullTableName( 'customer_order_details' ), 'orderId="' . $orderId .'"' ) ); if( $order_details ){ // get the current prices and names of the products previously ordered $doc_tvs = $modx->getTemplateVars( array( 'pagetitle', 'price', 'specialPrice' ), 'name', $order_details['productId'] ); // put these details into the session $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][] = Array ( 'productId' => $order_details['productId'], 'productTitle' => $doc_tvs['pagetitle'], 'price' => ( !empty( $doc_tvs['specialPrice'] ) ) ? $doc_tvs['specialPrice'] : $doc_tvs['price'], 'quantity' => $order_details['quantity'] ); // if the productId is 219 get the 4 items in the row and add to session array if( $order_details['productId'] == 219 ){ $items = $modx->db->getRow( $modx->db->select( 'hummusOne, hummusTwo, mayo, jam', $modx->getFullTableName( 'customer_order_giftpack_details' ), 'orderId="' . $orderId .'"' ) ); if( $items ){ $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['hummusOne'] = $items['hummusOne']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['hummusTwo'] = $items['hummusTwo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['mayo'] = $items['mayo']; $_SESSION['shoppingCartContents'][0]['jam'] = $items['jam']; } } } }