[[!AdvSearchForm? &landing=`81` &tpl=`food.AdvSearchForm` &addJQuery=`0` &help=`0` &clearDefault=`1` &withAjax=`1` &ajaxResultsId=`364` &addJs=`0` &addCSS=`0` &liveSearch=`1`]]
[[!AdvSearch? &hideContainers=`1` &fields=`pagetitle` &hideMenu=`0` &includeTVs=`vyrobce,popis,main-img` &withFields=`pagetitle` &withTVs=`vyrobce,popis` &perPage=`20` &sortby=`pagetitle[ASC]` &minChars=`1` &ids=`[[GetOnlyChildren? &parent=`2` &depth=`3`]]` &withAjax=`1` ]]
This question has been answered by kudykam. See the first response.
<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ advsea[advsea.length]='{"asid":"as0","hid":"364"}'; //]]> </script>
I need to search in TV therefore I cannot use SimpleSearch. AdvSearch in non-ajaxmode works ok, but I want to show live searched result in float window under search form.
[[!AdvSearchForm? &landing=`81` &tpl=`food.AdvSearchForm` &addJQuery=`0` &help=`0` &clearDefault=`1` &withAjax=`1` &ajaxResultsId=`364` &addJs=`0` &addCSS=`0` &liveSearch=`1`]]
Adding JS is disabled because even with 1 it doesnt paste any code. So I pasted it manually.
On page 364 I have empty template with call:
[[!AdvSearch? &hideContainers=`1` &fields=`pagetitle` &hideMenu=`0` &includeTVs=`vyrobce,popis,main-img` &withFields=`pagetitle` &withTVs=`vyrobce,popis` &perPage=`20` &sortby=`pagetitle[ASC]` &minChars=`1` &ids=`[[GetOnlyChildren? &parent=`2` &depth=`3`]]` &withAjax=`1` ]]
But it seems no js is loaded because it always return result to page 81...
I have no idea what I am doing wrong...