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    • 43421
    • 2 Posts
    Hey there,

    I wanted to include my pagecss-file into TinyMCE. When I looked at the TinyMCE-Docu it looked like I had to set the content_css-Key to my css-file, but there was no tiny.content_css-Key in the systemsettings, only the general "editor_css_path". That solution worked out, but it didn't load the CSS-Classes into the Dropdown of TinyMCE. So I tried to set the general "editor_css_selectors", but it didn't worked out. Then I used the key "tiny.css_selectors" which worked out.

    Why one time the general key and one time the more specific tiny.key?

    Is there a way to get that working in a dynamic way like it is written in die TinyMCE-Docu?

    Is the editor_css_path-Value passed to the content_css?

    I also tried to create a key "tiny.content_css" but that didn't worked out?

    Or do I get something totally wrong?

    Hopy somebody can help me. smiley
