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    • 1 Posts
    Hi guys,

    I'm considering Modx for my clients websites, I will need to manage dozens of sites with some having custom modules so I'm wondering how Modx is handling the releases. I want to know when does Modx breaks an API?

    I try to find where is the documentation about the API changes that come with new versions. Is there anything to help developers seeing easily what to change?

    And what about your experiences?

    Thank's ! smiley
    • Speaking as MODX Chief Architect, MODX development has adopted the rules of Semantic Versioning. And of course, any API changes, breaking or not, will be documented.
      Bug fixes not affecting the API increment the patch version, backwards compatible API additions/changes increment the minor version, and backwards incompatible API changes increment the major version.

      This has not always been the way we've done things, but will be moving forward.