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    • 34004
    • 125 Posts
    I'm trying to generate a vapour package of a site in modx cloud - I have SSH'd in however when I type php it says

    -ash: /etc/php5/php: not found

    I can't nav to /etc/php5 to have a look due to permissions. Site is too big to run the script in the browser. Therefore I can't run the vapor script - any clues as to why this may be?
    • Vapor was not originally designed with the intention of moving sites away from the MODx Cloud environment, so it wasn't made easy to use in the Cloud itself.

      I have found it necessary to zip up and remove directories with a lot of files, such as the assets/images or the core/packages directory, then run the script from a browser, then replace those directory later.

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        • 34004
        • 125 Posts
        Thanks Susan - seems like have to go back to FTP and manual phpmyadmin db export. Weird there isn't a download option for snapshots too.

        Cheers for the reply!