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  • I'm getting frequent errors like this
    [2013-04-02 00:16:11] (ERROR @ /index.php) Could not retrieve data to cache for resource 60
    [2013-04-02 00:16:33] (ERROR @ /index.php) Could not retrieve data to cache for resource 60
    [2013-04-02 12:13:22] (ERROR @ /index.php) Could not cache resource 48
    [2013-04-03 05:26:03] (ERROR @ /index.php) Could not cache resource 48

    Is this anything I should be worried about? There don't seem to be a lot of them, just a few a day, and some days none at all.

    This question has been answered by opengeek. See the first response.

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    • discuss.answer
      The first message could be harmless if that Resource (60) is not cacheable. The second could be as well; if two requests could not get the same Resource (48) from the cache and attempted to build and set the cache entry at about the same time, one would be unable to get a lock on the entry and would move on. It should not necessarily be a problem, but if you see this one too often, you might need to optimize the uncached execution of the Resource.