☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Open Source does not mean free of charge. MODx is licensed under the GPL, and that doesn't mean that even MODx itself necessarily has to be "free as in beer". Read the GPL. I can bundle up MODx in any way I please and charge for that bundle.
We moan and complain (and yes, I've been guilty of that myself) because the MODx team is trying to find a way to support themselves, but we want MODx to be developed for free? Mortgage banks are not impressed by usage statistics.
Third-party add-ons are not MODx. Nor are they derivations of MODx. It has been long established that using public-facing APIs does not make an application a derivative work. So third-party add-ons do not have to be licensed under the GPL, and the owner can do as he pleases with it.
No open-source project can maintain growth without the ability of users and developers to support themselves from such use and development. If a developer has the spare time to create things like MyComponent, and can release them without charge, that is fine. Even then, I've seen developers drop out of sight simply because they cannot support themselves and their families on what few small donations they get for their time and energy.
I would by far rather see the best of the third-party developers get enough for their work to be able to support themselves and their families than to see them fade out because they just don't have time to give us our freebies any more.
хох, скорее всего это первоапрельская шутка)) пока не стоит паниковать=) почитайте в википедии по праздник 1 апреля в России))
☆ A M B ☆
- 1,780 Posts
In nearly all cases that I can think of... except for a "self" site perhaps or maybe the instance of working for free for a NP or friend/relative, this particular add on's cost can, and should be passed on to the client.
I haven't seen the suggested cost, or if there is one yet. However, if a client wants to sell product online they can surely pay the cost of the package required to do so. No?
How many clients actually know that most MODX packages are free anyway? It's unfortunate that the weekend MODX developer gets shafted, but I think most of us can find some way to get compensated for "not free" components.
Relax, people, it was 1st april joke =)