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    When I add items to my calendar the tplListItem arranges each items on the list, according to the order in which the item is entered (I believe backwards the by the item ID) instead of the next date (or start time). If I entered random dates around the year, then this would arrange the list according to way in which I entered (random dates) instead of the next day that is available.

    The problem with this is that it's right next to my calendar. It would make more sense to arrange the list by next available start time. So the list would be arranged in order of date, instead of order entry. Meaning since today is: 3/26 the next item on the list would be... say... 3/27 (If I had an event), then the next one entered would be... say... 3/28 (If event). So you can see the list in order what is up next according by date (in this case: start time).

    I could not find anything that relates to this order. Has anyone found or may have a solution? [ed. note: charless last edited this post 11 years, 8 months ago.]
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      • 32025
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      Please look here: http://www.pinecovecampground.com/events.html (under- Upcoming Events)

      No-one else had this issue or fixed it? I would love to figure out how to change this list order from descending to ascending. Anyone?
        Making the web a better place on site at a time! Dayton Web Design: http://www.dayton-web-design.com/
        • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
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        You can't use the &sort and &dir properties for this? According to the properties list that applies to list view.
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          Quote from: wbbuilder at Mar 28, 2013, 04:34 AM
          Please look here: http://www.pinecovecampground.com/events.html (under- Upcoming Events)

          No-one else had this issue or fixed it? I would love to figure out how to change this list order from descending to ascending. Anyone?

          You can use the &sort=`startdate` &dir=`ASC` in your snippet call to adjust the sorting of events for any view. If you are still having issues turn on the debug parameter &debug=`1` and view the SQL that is rendered for possible resolution and past back if issue persist.

            Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
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            • 32025
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            Oh Geez....Thank you both. It was right in front of my face. I looked at that list several times for multiple items, just did not see the ascending parameter. I appreciate both of your time!
              Making the web a better place on site at a time! Dayton Web Design: http://www.dayton-web-design.com/
              • 32025
              • 305 Posts
              Quote from: charless at Mar 28, 2013, 05:29 AM
              You can use the &sort=`startdate` &dir=`ASC` in your snippet call to adjust the sorting of events for any view. If you are still having issues turn on the debug parameter &debug=`1` and view the SQL that is rendered for possible resolution and past back if issue persist.

              I seem to be having this problem again. I think I was able to fix the problem in list view, but have since changed it to modal view. My items listed for each day are not organizing by start time, they are organizing by entry time. At least if there is a re-ocurring entry it always shows first.

              Here is my calendar snipplet call:
              <span class="calendarLeft">[[!mxcalendar?&displayType=`calendar`&ajaxResourceId=`10` &sort=`startdate` &dir=`ASC`]]</span>

              I just added the code below to the snipplet (which was missing):
              &sort=`startdate` &dir=`ASC`

              But my calendar is still not arranging events by start time. This makes my events calendar look unorganized. How can I make these display in order from event start time for each date (including re-occuring events)?
                Making the web a better place on site at a time! Dayton Web Design: http://www.dayton-web-design.com/