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    • 43140
    • 1 Posts
    ...but i need to check a couple of things before i do that. i dont want to waste my time going through the whole process of implementing modx and then to find it does not have all the features i need. makes sense right?

    i need to know if modx edits the html with the full image path as opposed to the relative image path when uploading and implementing new images to the html. example..this is good - http://mysite.com/images/myimage.jpg (full/absolute path)
    ...and this is bad - /images/myimage.jpg (relative path)

    this is important for ebay templates which do not recognise relative image paths due to ebay being on a different server than the images.

    the other thing i need to know is if modx is compatible with 'onclick event' which i use to display a thumbnail as a main image when the thumbnail is clicked. the problem with ebay is that they put a lot of limits on the code and do not allow certain scripts so the code needs to be within their limitations. my code for this is...

    <img src="****" alt="" style="cursor: pointer; float: left; margin: 9px 9px 0 0; border: 1px #b1b2b2 solid;" onclick="getElementById('product_big').src='****';" />

    so would modx be able to change both 'src' fields in the above code?

    the full template and code can be viewed here...http://cre8tive-pixels.com/luv2shop/

    i appreciate all the help. thank you.
      • 40092
      • 265 Posts
      First off: Welcome smiley

      Secondly, you are limited by your imagination and your skill, modx will not limit you in doing things the way you want them ;-). So in short, yes you can do this in modx.

      Modx is a CMS that let's you fully control your code, templates etc. other than for instance wordpress there is no binding codex or something similar. Just freedom.