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    • 43284
    • 7 Posts
    You will be the first to get the beta version...

    May I ask to have a look at this nice piece of software?

    I've been trying either to find some decent e-commerce extra for Revo or figure it out how to develop a custom TV set for my Industrial design store I need to publish soon. This seems to be exactly what I need and I would love to help. Perhaps I even donate some money (if possible).
      • 43127
      • 22 Posts
      Quote from: santiagoitzcoatl at Apr 05, 2013, 02:08 PM
      You will be the first to get the beta version...

      May I ask to have a look at this nice piece of software?

      I've been trying either to find some decent e-commerce extra for Revo or figure it out how to develop a custom TV set for my Industrial design store I need to publish soon. This seems to be exactly what I need and I would love to help. Perhaps I even donate some money (if possible).

      Dear santiagoitzcoatl,

      We thank you for your interest in Mojopea - The real ecommerce solution for modx.
      We are doing our best in order to release it at our goal date...1.05.1013
      We are 100% positively sure that the software will meet your needs. And of course would love to here your inputs of it, when its out, so we can improve it, so no modx user will ever be frustrated with eCommerce solutions again!!!

      The software will be released in two licences, an open source one, and a fully supported commercial one, so you can help support our development team.

      If you like to be added to our mailing list and make sure you'll get Mojopea the minute its out, please send me a private msg with your email and you will be notified.

      You can check status on www.mojopea.com.

      Many thanks,
      Mojopea team.
        • 18367
        • 834 Posts
        as its a set of really cool custom tvs...designed to keep modx freedom alive!!!

        I've always thought that this was the obvious and best way to go. Can't wait till you release it.

        Do you need Beta testers? (I have a reputation for breaking everything I look at.)
          Content Creator and Copywriter
          • 9995
          • 1,613 Posts
          Nice, nice, NICE!
          Can't wait till testing !
            Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley
            • 38462
            • 39 Posts
            This is just what we've been waiting for. Looks amazing!
              • 43127
              • 22 Posts
              Hello all...

              As we already updated some of you by mail, our release date was pushed to the 28th of May.
              The Mojopea eCommerce system is all set N ready to go and we are now working on our website and tutorials...

              We thank you all for your feedback so far,
              Mojopea team.
                • 43284
                • 7 Posts

                It seems that the release date of mojopea had been delayed.
                I'm really looking fordward, because I'm keeping some projects on "stand by" just to try it.

                If you are currently just working on the website and tutorials, is it possible to have a look at the Mojopea system right away? As I told you, I'm very interested in the software and I can aford to pay for the commercial licence right away.

                The delay is pushing my work calendar too, perhaps I must get around another tool just to get the job done, but if then this system arise as the perfect solution, I dont want to work them twice.

                please let me know.

                  • 43862
                  • 2 Posts
                  What is kinda odd...

                  you have pushed the Release Date of your Product Time after Time...

                  visiting your website http://mojopea.com/ , the counter allways resets at 22 Days and 14 Hours...

                  to build up some Trust and a potenial future Customer Base you should somewhat communicate a little bit more transparent..

                  my humble 2 cents
                    • 43127
                    • 22 Posts
                    Dear plektrum_studios,

                    We pushed our release date once, to the 28th...thats 4 days 7 hours and change from now...
                    We are working on some last finishes now so we did not notice this little bug on the counter.

                    We are working around the clock to bring you guys a good and reliable commerce solution, and you will be able to download it at the 28th as promised.

                    Best regards,
                    Mojopea Team.
                      • 9995
                      • 1,613 Posts
                      Thats great!
                        Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley