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    Hi all,

    is there a way to make my thumbnails bigger then standard using Gallery for MODX revolution?
    I'm using the following code to make my lookbook appear inside my content.

    [[!Gallery? &album=`lookbook` &toPlaceholder=`gallery` &plugin=`slimbox` &loop=`1` &slimboxLoadJQuery=`1`]]
    [[+gallery? ]]

    I want the images 100px X 100px... smiley

    You can preview here


    Thanks in advance

    • Add a thumbWidth and thumbHeight to your gallery call also your placeholder tag is incorrect it should be something like this:

      [[!Gallery? &album=`lookbook` &toPlaceholder=`gallery` &plugin=`slimbox` &loop=`1` &slimboxLoadJQuery=`1` &thumbWidth=`500` &thumbHeight=`500`]]

      You can also use the phpthumbof extra to resize and crop your images if you need to.

      Hope that helps.
        Benjamin Marte
        Interactive Media Developer
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