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    • 43067
    • 15 Posts
    Very new to all this and probably aiming above my experience level so forgive any newbie questions.
    everything installed ok but when i try to preview the example homepage i get this message:

    « MODx Parse Error »
    MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
    « PHP Parse Error »
    PHP error debug
      Error:	set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy	 
      Error type/ Nr.:	Warning - 2	 
      File:	/customers/4/8/d/creatingstories.co.uk/httpd.www/assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/classes/ajaxSearch.class.inc.php	 
      Line:	78	 
      Line 78 source:	 set_time_limit($asCfg->cfg['timeLimit']);	 
    Parser timing
      MySQL:	0.0032 s	(1 Requests)
      PHP:	0.0160 s	 
      Total:	0.0192 s

    I have no idea where to start to get things running, the site is hosted on www.one.com, let me know the info you need to help and i'll ask support for it, can can say this much though, no ssh access or unzipping supported sad

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        • 43067
        • 15 Posts
        Quote from: sottwell at Mar 13, 2013, 07:11 PM
        This should answer your question:

        that's the one, thanks smiley

          • 43067
          • 15 Posts
          wrong place to do it i know but whoever wrote the Beginner's Guide to MODx on the wiki, Nice one!

          my level of experience runs to a bit of html 5 years ago and with the help of your guide i was able to figure out how to load my existing webpages into modx and had the site looking identical to the original in a few hours smiley