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  • We use MODX for the majority of a site but use Lemonstand for the ecommerce section. It won't install on MODX Cloud because of one missing requirement, namely Short PHP tags are not allowed:

    PHP 5.2.5 or higher: Passed
    PHP CURL library: Passed
    PHP OpenSSL library: Passed
    PHP Mcrypt library: Passed
    PHP MySQL functions: Passed
    PHP Multibyte String functions
    Short PHP tags allowed: Failed
    Permissions for PHP to write to the installation directory: Passed
    PHP SOAP library - required for some payment gateways, specifically for the E-xact Web Service: Passed

    Is it possible to enable this or should we look at traditional hosting?
    • Also on traditional hostings the short tags are disabled a lot..
      As I am not sure, this is default setting by PHP5.3+ if I remember correctly...

      Why do you want it to be enabled?? Use <?php instead of only <?
        MODX Ambassador (NL) & Professional MODX developer
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        MODX e-commerce solution SimpleCart
      • Quote from: bertoost at Mar 11, 2013, 11:01 AM
        Also on traditional hostings the short tags are disabled a lot..
        As I am not sure, this is default setting by PHP5.3+ if I remember correctly...

        Why do you want it to be enabled?? Use <!--?php instead of only <? -->

        It's a requirement of Lemonstand:

        PHP 5.2.5 or higher. Disabled safe_mode and open_basedir restrictions. Enabled short_open_tag option.

        Our go to solution for eCommerce is Lemonstand because it is very strong in that area, and our go to solution for Content Management and development is MODX for obvious reasons. Sometimes we need both, such as in this case. [ed. note: rx2 last edited this post 11 years, 1 month ago.]
        • If you put in a support request for this, it can be enabled only for your account.
          • Great thanks. Did so.