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    • 42704
    • 29 Posts
    Hi all,

    I'm currently designing a website for a clothing lable named "mostly official". It's an collective of artists and Dj's.

    For the "mosly movement" page, I'm planning to use a blog.
    Is there a way to preview images on the page where the posts are listed? Look at the example for a better idea.

    Thanks in advance!
    I'm sorry for my bad English but my native language is Dutch.
    Kind regards
    • This can be achieved with template variables, and getResources.


      Steps would be:

      • Create template variable of image type, give it access to the template used for the resource.
      • Pop into resource and select image that is required for this resource.
      • Go to parent container, and put in geResources call, specifying the relevant information for it to function (parent, limit, includeTVs, template chunk name e.t.c)
      • Create template chunk and included reference to TV.

      I do a similar thing on my portfolio

        MODX Professional | MODX Ambassador

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        • 42704
        • 29 Posts
        this is exactly what I was looking for. To bad there isn't a detailed tutorial to achieve what I want.
        As alot of the users of modx, I'm a designer, not a programmer, so it's a bit hard to understand what you're talking about. A bit help would be appreciated.

        Anyway! Thanks a lot! Beautiful website Greame!
        I'll try my best with the info you gave!

        • Well, if you ever get stuck, drop me an email, always willing to help out others, and I have pretty quick turnaround times!

          Glad you like the site, my new one is going live in a week or two, much "fresher" smiley

          P.S Maybe I could do a screen cast of making this solution perhaps...
            GEL STUDIOS
            MODX Professional | MODX Ambassador

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            • 42704
            • 29 Posts
            Yeah you could, but make sure you have enough time for your assignments first.
            Work comes first. wink

            I'll drop you an e-mail if I get stuck (wich will be the case).

            Fresh sounds good. Your current site is fresh aswell but a bit dark.

            Can't wait till the result! Keep me posted!
