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    • 37984
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    I am finishing up the blog portion of my portfolio site using Articles 1.6.4 ( Quip 2.2.3 ) and MODX 2.2.6. My question is as follows:

    I would like to utilize threaded comments in Quip, and I would also like to be able to include the reply form within the comment thread (instead of taking them to a new page) if a user wants to comment on a pre-existing comment (the form would appear when "reply" was clicked).

    Has anyone out there pulled something like this off? I don't want to have to re-direct my users to a new page. Thanks in advance, everyone!

    This question has been answered by designcouch. See the first response.

      Jesse Couch
      MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
      • 42562
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      Tried tossing the new page in a modal window?
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      • discuss.answer
        • 37984
        • 215 Posts
        don - that was my initial intuition on this, but the site is responsive and modal windows don't really translate well to mobile sites. I've actually figured this out, though. The solution is below:

        Within my custom Quip comment chunk, I've included a QuipReply call that looks like this (below the comment content):

        [[!QuipReply? &thread=`[[+thread]]` &tplAddComment=`quipAddCommentCustom2` &parent=`[[+id]]` ]]

        I hide this form initially using the awesome and super lightweight Jquery Collapse (http://webcloud.se/jQuery-Collapse/), and it appears upon clicking reply for each individual comment.

        This solution loads quickly even with a larger number of comments, and is a decent solution for what I need. If anyone has any better solutions, please let me know!
          Jesse Couch
          MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
          • 39131
          • 84 Posts
          Hi designcouch,

          I'm wondering what you have done to show the threaded comments.

          When I turn them on nothing is really changing. Does it need some extra settings?

          Thanks in advance!
            • 37984
            • 215 Posts
            mewolari - threaded comments rely on any number of elements to function properly. The only thing that will change if you're turning them on for the first time is a little "Reply" link in each comment (assuming you're using the default chunks; if you're using custom chunks, then you may have removed the placeholder for the threading functionality). Perhaps a little more detail on your situation, and I could better answer your question.
              Jesse Couch
              MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
              • 39131
              • 84 Posts
              Thanks for your reaction.

              I would like to start with the default setting and adjust them afterwards.

              Threaded comments is "yes". Unfortunately I can not find any documentation or explanation what else does have to be changed to make the threaded comments working.
                • 37984
                • 215 Posts
                No problem. Threaded comments should work out of the box - and it usually only involves turning them on.

                A few things to check:

                • Make sure the "Enable Comments" option says "yes"
                • Make sure that your "Maximum Threading Depth" option is set to at least 1. Otherwise, you won't have any threading at all
                • Make sure that you've actually attempted to post a threaded comment; if there are no comments in place, no threading will show up (sorry - kind of a nobrainer, but I'm covering the bases)
                • Make sure that you have the [[+children]] placeholder in your comment chunk (should look something like this: [[+children:notempty=`<ol class="quip-comment-list">[[+children]]</ol>`]] )
                • Make sure you've cleared your MODX and browser caches

                This is a start. If you want to take a look, the complete Articles Documentation is here: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Articles

                Also, threaded comments require a separate resource (typically) with a reply form in it. That is what Reply Resource ID is for. The ID needs to be a different one than the page the comment thread is on. If you do not have a value in this area, Threaded comments will invalidate, and you won't be able to use them.
                  Jesse Couch
                  MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
                  • 39131
                  • 84 Posts
                  I'm gonna check it out.

                  Thanks for your help so far.
                    • 37984
                    • 215 Posts
                    Sure thing. If you want to see an example of threaded comments working, my site has them. Here is an article with a few: http://www.designcouch.com/home/why/2013/03/17/where-is-apples-mobile-site/
                      Jesse Couch
                      MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
                      • 39131
                      • 84 Posts
                      Looks great.

                      I'm gonna spend some extra hours to make it work.