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    So I need to use Archivist finally but I cant get it to actually work - even after folloiwng any of the tutorials.

    So, I have FURLs turned on, along with Auto create aliases.

    My archive call is

    <h3>[[+arc_month_name]] [[+arc_year]] Archives</h3>
    <div class="paging"> 
    <ul class="pageList"> 

    Viewing the /archive page direclty allows me to view and pagniante the results, as soon as i click a link on the archivist archive listing i get a URL of




    my archivist call is:

    [[!Archivist? &target=`38` &parents=`4` &tpl=`ArchiveTpl`]]

    which does actually product the results but isnt very readable and I cannot for the life of me find out why its missing the / from archive.

    Any ideas?