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    Wondering if anyone else has run into the issue when adding tinyMCE to a MIGX column that it works as expected until trying to edit the raw HTML? It shows the HTML popup and even then updates the content in tinyMCE WYSIWYG, but then clicking 'Done' in MIGX the content in the column stays as it was previously.

    What is really strange If you just edit the text through the WYSIWYG it updates the column when clicking 'done'.

    Any ideas or solutions?

    ModX 2.2.6 pl
    MIGX 2.3.2
    TinyMCE 4.3.3
    PHP 5.4.4
    • The problem is it doesn't register the change after you edit raw HTML until you make a change in the WYSIWYG editor. So after you've edited the raw HTML but before you click Done, do and undo some trivial edit, like type a letter then delete it.

      It's annoying to have to do that, but it does fix the problem.
        Extras :: pThumbResizerimageSlimsetPlaceholders
        • 37693
        • 47 Posts
        Quote from: jgrant at Feb 28, 2013, 04:51 PM
        It's annoying to have to do that, but it does fix the problem.

        You're right, it does fix it! You're also right that it is annoying... but it's definitely an acceptable workaround.

        Thank you.