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    Hi - I'm thinking this is an easy fix, but I'm just too new to ModX to know better. I'm using 2.2.6-pl

    I have installed the prettyGallery package and have confirmed it is working correctly. The page I setup calls the album and displays it on a white page. When I click on it, the gallery comes up, voila. No issues.

    But of course, that is not how I want it to be displayed to the end user. I want the prettyGallery page to be displayed inside of another page, which uses my sites template (versus a blank white page). I tried using getResources, but it is just dumping out an Array. Not even sure if getResources is what I should be using.

    So, my question is, how do I get the prettyGallery page to be displayed within another page?

    Thanks so much, and please let me know if there is any other information I need to provide.

    • The page you used to display the gallery needs to be assigned a template, just as all other pages do.
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