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    We hired a firm to create our church website a couple of years ago. They created it for us in MODx Evolution 1.0.4, and then handed it over with just some basic instruction for editing the pages that were already created. They were extremely slow and difficult to work with, so we have no desire to "hire" them again. I don't know anything about upgrading to new versions of the software, or even if that's something that should be done.

    Through trial and error and lots of Googling, I've figured out how to accomplish most of what I need to do for routine updates. But, now we are wanting to explore the possibility of a mobile version of our website. From Googling, I understand that there's a plug-in or add-on that will allow me to create a mobile version. What I can't figure out is how to install anything to play with it to see if it will work for us.

    The first step seems to be to install the modMobile add-on, but where is the System tab that's used for installing new modules? I'm attaching a screen shot of my home screen in Manager. It's just not there sad

    I do just about all editing in Firefox on my Mac, but had to use Safari to post this question, as the website in Firefox wouldn't recognize that I had logged in. I say this only to question if it's an issue of me working on a Mac and/or using Firefox.
    • You should definitely upgrade your MODx Evo, as there are some nasty security vulnerabilities that have been fixed. http://rtfm.modx.com/display/Evo1/Upgrading

      The System tab and package management is part of MODx Revo, a different version, and does not apply to Evo. Here is a mobile detection and template switcher for Evolution. You'll have to install it manually, as Evo has no installer. http://modx.com/extras/package/mobiletemplateswitcher

      Personally, I prefer to use a responsive template than to have a device detection and template switcher. http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/beginners-guide-to-responsive-web-design

      You can access my old "MODx (Evo) From the Inside" articles on the Pogwatch site. They may be useful. http://sottwell.pogwatch.com/modx-from-the-inside.html

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