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  • Looking at my Cloud files, I see some directories with 777 permission, some with 775, and some with 755. And the same directories in other Clouds on the same server have different permissions, apparently at random. What should the permissions all be? I would presume www and its children should be 755, and files 644.
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      • 39501
      • 163 Posts
      @sottwell - From what I can see on my cloud installations, all my MODX folder permissions are set to 755.
      • Which server are your clouds on? Mine are on paas2.ams
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          • 39501
          • 163 Posts
          @sottwell - Interesting. I have a few clouds on paas2.ams. Folder permissions on that server seem to be set to 775. Out of the 4 clouds I have on paas1.ams, 2 have permissions set to 775 and 2 have permissions set to 755.

          The 2 clouds with permissions set to 755 were clouds created this month. The other clouds were created last year.