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    I'm building a filter which will search on a column which gets its data from a multiselect TV. Because the JSON in the filter has to be decoded, any duplicate keys are overwritten, so I can't set multiple OR conditions on the same column. My snippet which produces the JSON is:

    $output= '{"category:LIKE":"%||'.$cat.'","OR:category:LIKE":"'.$cat.'||%","OR:category:LIKE":"%||'.$cat.'||%","OR:category:=":"'.$cat.'"}';

    When processed, this ends up in this array:

        [category:LIKE] => %||1
        [OR:category:LIKE] => %||1||%
        [OR:category:=] => 1

    Is there any way to end up with all the criteria in an array or am I going to have to hack the MIGX getlist processor?

    This question has been answered by [email protected]. See the first response.

      Studio Republic
      0845 226 3205
    • discuss.answer
      • 34109
      • 119 Posts
      Figured it out - use capitals. The query is non case-sensitive but the fromJson function is, so this works fine:

      $output= '{"category:LIKE":"%||'.$cat.'","OR:category:LIKE":"'.$cat.'||%","OR:Category:LIKE":"%||'.$cat.'||%","OR:category:=":"'.$cat.'"}';
        Studio Republic
        0845 226 3205
        • 4172
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        you can also try:

        $c->where("CONCAT('||',category,'||') LIKE '%||" . $cat . "||%'", xPDOQuery::SQL_AND); 

          you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

