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    TinyMCE convert & to & in snippet like this :
    [[!FormIt? &submitVar=`go` &hooks=`email` ]]

    [[!FormIt? &submitVar=`go` &hooks=`email` ]]

    Ideas to stop this ?

    Info : I use ultimate TinyMCE 4.3.3 and modX 2.2.6 [ed. note: api-gf last edited this post 11 years, 3 months ago.]
    • TinyMCE does that. MODx is written to take that into consideration; the snippet should work anyway.

      I usually have resources with snippet tags set to not use the Rich Text editor, especially my form pages. There's rarely a lot of plain text in those pages anyway.
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        • 29437
        • 2 Posts
        TinyMCE does that. MODx is written to take that into consideration; the snippet should work anyway.
        MODx, might take that into consideration, but the key word there should.
        I have had major headaches with this. The best work around I have found is to place your snippet with it's variables into a chunk then call that chunk instead of the snippet. Not the most graceful solution, but it works and constantly doesn't screw up your site's snippet calls.
        Hope that helps!