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    • 40541
    • 85 Posts

    I have the following snippet below, which I want to do something simple with and that is to include the field 'Name' in the DestinationNames table that is part of the join query.

    Bascially the output of $fields varible will look something like the below:

    [CarrID] => 0
    [Area] => 01785
    [Number] => 07822
    [TierID] => 2
    [CtryID] => 0
    [keyfield] => 1245422

    But I need it to include 'Name' so that I can pass it the getChunk call.

    $querySet = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1;";
    $criteriaSet = new xPDOCriteria($modx->myDB, $querySet);
    $query = "SELECT NationalArea.*, DestinationNames.Name
    		  FROM NationalArea
    		  JOIN DestinationNames
    		  ON NationalArea.Area=DestinationNames.Number
    		  WHERE NationalArea.Number =  '01922'";
    $criteria = new xPDOCriteria($modx->myDB, $query);
    if ($results = $modx->myDB->getCollection('NationalArea', $criteria)) {
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $fields = $result->toArray();
    			echo '<pre>';
    			print_r ($fields);
    			echo '</pre>';
                $rows[] = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataNationalAreasOverView', $fields);
            $ph['rows'] = implode('', $rows);
            $output = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataOuterNationalAreasOverview', $ph);
        } else {
            $output = $noresults;
    return $output;

    Many thanks.
      • 40541
      • 85 Posts
      Actually I think the issue is in the getCollection call just specifying NationalArea - think I might need to use prepare() and execute() but not sure how to integrate this into my code yet - I'll have a play unless someone can come up with something smiley Thanks
        • 40541
        • 85 Posts
        Come across this post http://forums.modx.com/thread/35321/querying-a-non-modx-table-in-revolution and tried to implement it so my code now looks like this:

        $querySet = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1;";
        $criteriaSet = new xPDOCriteria($modx->myDB, $querySet);
        $query = "SELECT NationalArea.*, DestinationNames.Name 
        		  FROM NationalArea
        		  JOIN DestinationNames 
        		  ON NationalArea.Area=DestinationNames.Number
        		  WHERE NationalArea.Number =  '".$_SESSION['areaCode']."'";
        $criteria = new xPDOCriteria($modx->myDB, $query);
        if ($criteria->prepare()) {
            if ($criteria->stmt->execute()) {
               if ($results= $criteria->stmt->fetchAll(PDO_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                 foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $fields = $result->toArray();
        			echo '<pre>';
        			print_r ($fields);
        			echo '</pre>';
                    $rows[] = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataNationalAreasOverView', $fields);
                $ph['rows'] = implode('', $rows);
                $output = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataOuterNationalAreasOverview', $ph);
                } else {
                $output = $noresults;
        return $output;

        But get the following error:

        Notice: Use of undefined constant PDO_FETCH_ASSOC - assumed 'PDO_FETCH_ASSOC' in /home/sites/domain.co.uk/public_html/nhs/core/cache/includes/elements/modsnippet/41.include.cache.php on line 39 Warning: PDOStatement::fetchAll() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given in /home/sites/domain.co.uk/public_html/nhs/core/cache/includes/elements/modsnippet/41.include.cache.php on line 39 No items found.
          • 40541
          • 85 Posts
          Sorted it!

          By removing the PDO_FETCH_ASSOC it then gets past that error but then gets stops at

          Fatal error: Call to a member function toArray() on a non-object in /home/sites/domain.co.uk/public_html/nhs/core/cache/includes/elements/modsnippet/41.include.cache.php on line 41

          I then changed the code as per below as the $results where already being output as an array:

          if ($criteria->prepare()) {
              if ($criteria->stmt->execute()) {
                if ($results= $criteria->stmt->fetchAll()) {
                  foreach ($results as $result) {
          		  $rows[] = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataNationalAreasOverView', $result);
                 $ph['rows'] = implode('', $rows);
                 $output = $modx->getChunk('tpl.ShowDataOuterNationalAreasOverview', $ph);
              } else {
                  $output = $noresults;
          • It's PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, not PDO_FETCH_ASSOC.