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    • 42393
    • 143 Posts
    I was just creating a bunch of pages, found some common text that needed to be changed, used Janitor, and poof, all of my content disappeared from a selected group of resources. As a veteran of system issues like this, I usually do backups before critical operations, but in this case I knew I wouldn't lose much work.

    So, having been scratched by the kitten I want to avoid being bitten by the lion.

    When $modx->exec("query") is used, is a snapshot taken of the data before being updated? If this happens again, is there any hidden nook or cranny where content might be stored? Some pages are cached and I was able to recover one of the pages from cache, but this is clumsy and not guaranteed for newer resources.

    Are there any tools for getting a quick snapshot before doing an update like this? I can use Janitor itself but I was wondering if there was some hidden snapshot options somewhere, or some other hidden Undo option showing the last database updates. Yeah, I know ... dream on ... Just askin...

    About this issue with Janitor, there is an option for Searches to be RegEx. I was searching for "../assets/images" and I wanted to change it to "/assets/images/articles". The Janitor Replace is hard-coded for RegEx, and somehow those strings caused a global replacement of all characters to null. sad Caveat Emptor even with FOSS.


    This question has been answered by AMDbuilder. See the first response.

      Loved ModX when I was using it a few years ago. Shifted to WordPress, sorry. Thanks, all.
    • discuss.answer
      Have you looked into VersionX by any chance?
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
        • 42393
        • 143 Posts
        Wow, that looks perfect. Honestly I read through all of the ADDONS but when I got to that one I stopped at the following text:
        VersionX 2.1 no longer claims Revolution 2.0 support, but instead needs Revolution 2.1 by default. It should theoretically work, but no Revolution 2.0 specific testing or patches will be released.
        VersionX 2.2 (future release) will likely start requiring at least Revolution 2.2 to take advantage of new coding standards.
        I rolled my eyes and wrote a note that this addon should be flagged in big letters as deprecated. But now reading further I was wrong.

        I guess I have my answer. Thanks!
          Loved ModX when I was using it a few years ago. Shifted to WordPress, sorry. Thanks, all.
        • Glad I could be of assistance, and you should file an issue: https://github.com/Mark-H/VersionX2/issues?direction=desc&sort=created&state=open to get that text cleared up some.
            Patrick | Server Wrangler
            About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting