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    Hi, I'm experimenting with the latest version of FormitBuilder. Keeps getting better, thanks again for writing it Marcus!

    I want to store posted form values so the form is already populated on a next visit. I use formitRetriever for this, by setting the default value in formitbuilder to [[!+fi.name]] etc. Works perfect. Except for checkbox groups, I just can't get the checked options to be checked on a next visit, while all other (text)fields are populated with the previously entered data.

    First, this is how the checkboxgroup is created in formitBuilder:
    $a_checkboxgroup_options =array(
     $o_fe_checkboxgroup = new FormItBuilder_elementCheckboxGroup('checkboxgroup','Checkboxgroup',$a_checkboxgroup_options);

    I tried a lot of things in core/components/formitbuilder/model/FormElement.class.php around line 1040, working in this function:
    	public function outputHTML(){
    		$s_ret='<div class="checkboxGroupWrap">';
    		$a_uncheckedVal = $this->_uncheckedValue;
    			$a_uncheckedVal=''; // we do this because FormIt will not validate it as empty if unchecked value has a value.
    		//hidden field with same name is so we get a post value regardless of tick status, must use ID and not name
    		$s_ret.='<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_id).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($a_uncheckedVal).'" />';
    		foreach($this->_values as $value){
    			$s_ret.='<div class="checkboxWrap">';
    			// changed input type to checkbox
    			// added [] to name
    			$s_ret.='<div class="checkboxEl"><input type="checkbox" id="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_id.'_'.$i).'" name="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_name).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($value['title']).'"';
    				if(in_array($value['title'],$_POST[$this->_id])===true)  {
    					$selectedStr=' checked="checked"';
    				if(isset($value['checked'])===true && $value['checked']===true){
    					$selectedStr=' checked="checked"';
    			$s_ret.=$selectedStr.' /></div>';
    				$s_ret.='<label for="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_id.'_'.$i).'">'.htmlspecialchars($value['title']).'</label>';
    		return $s_ret;

    I tried some things to the 'selectedStr' variable, following the examples on RTFM and in the forums, like this:
    $selectedStr = ' [[!+fi.'.htmlspecialchars($this->_id).':FormItIsChecked=`'.htmlspecialchars($value['title']).'`]]';

    and this:
    $selectedStr = ' [[!+fi.'.htmlspecialchars($this->_id).'=`'.htmlspecialchars($value['title']).'`:then=`checked`]]';

    The first one just doesn't work (the code is correct, when I try it without the brackets I can see the correct values are printed. The second version gives me an error:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /xxx/public_html/core/model/modx/filters/modoutputfilter.class.php(162) : eval()'d code on line 1

    Also tried some other things, like storing the checkboxgroup values in a hidden textfield by adding '[[!fi.checkboxgroup]]' as default text to the hidden field, thinking I might use that value in a comparison, but nothing seems to be stored in the hidden field.

    I'm not sure the problem is with formitRetriever, formIt or formItBuilder. I do see a lot of people are struggling with storing checkbox values. I do have the snippet FormItIsChecked. I also checked the values of the checkboxgroup are posted, and they are.

    Can I access the stored values from Formit directly somehow with php, so I can check against those values and add 'checked="checked"' when there is a match? Or is there a different way to do this with formitBuilder? (saw in the changelogs that FormItIsChecked was replaced with own processing, but how should I use it?).

    I'm using Revo 2.2.0, Formit 2.1.2, FormitBuilder 1.3.3

    Am I missing something? Thanks for any help!