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  • Tonight, for some unknown reason, my Error Log screen is drawing a blank (i.e. no panel). Using Firebug I see that there is a script error...

    SyntaxError: syntax error


    <script type="text/javascript">
    MODx.hasEraseErrorLog = "1"
    Ext.onReady(function() {
    xtype: "modx-page-error-log"

    I haven't touched this, and I know it was fine earlier today. Why would this suddenly happen? There is the value for record:? This is a MODX Cloud hosted site, if that makes any difference...
    • Resolved, kinda.

      Interestingly, if I deleted the error.log file on the server, the screen rendered correctly again. Suggesting that something in the file actually messed up the view.

      I also got a 'record:' value back:

      MODx.hasEraseErrorLog = "1"
              Ext.onReady(function() {
                    xtype: "modx-page-error-log"
                    ,record: {"name":"\/paas\/c0426\/www\/core\/cache\/logs\/error.log"}