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    • 46448
    • 98 Posts
    I need to create a website for a new author that has just completed a book (years of effort - no sequel due out soon.)

    So, if you had a customer that wanted to sell a book (internationally) on a website, would you use an e-commerce cart (to get its functionality) even though there is only one item for sale? Or, would you suggest something (hopefully simpler) more like a Paypal link button?

    Thanks in advance for your consideration.

      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      Depending on where your client is located, you'll also need to deal with taxes, and of course shipping.

      For small ecommerce sites, I like JQuery Simple Cart. It's a little more than you need, but can just as easily be set up for one item as for several. It has the advantage of offering several different payment gateways, as well as a more professional shopping cart experience for purchasers. It's easy to set up; it works on element classnames so you can use just about any HTML structure you want. And it has functions to take care of tax and shipping, displaying all to the buyer before he finalizes the purchase and gets sent off to PayPal or whatever other payment gateway you choose.

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        • 46448
        • 98 Posts
        Thanks, Susan!

        I have been checking it out today.

          • 40390
          • 2 Posts
          I would probably go with Mal's E-Commerce free version.
          Foxycart is what I would go with for any more advanced e-commerce needs.
            • 50644
            • 1 Posts
            You can try https://sneakpick.co - it's a simple shopping cart widget that you can easily put on your website (you'd need to put just a line of code to your existing website).

            This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.