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    • 36551
    • 416 Posts
    I have a slide show setup using MIGX, works great! Now I want to create a new slide show that uses only "featured" images from the other slideshow. My thought was to add a checkbox for featured items to the grid, then use getResources to filter on this check box to display only those images for the new slideshow. I've done this with standard TVs, getResources and tvFilter, but MIGX add a new wrinkle.

    I've been through the forums and it seems like this might be some combination of getResources and getImageList but I'm really not sure how to put this together. Is this possible without writing a custom snippet? (not in my skill set).

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
      • 36551
      • 416 Posts
      It looks like may have stumbled onto an answer to my own question, just minutes after posting it . . .

      It seems to be working. Output is limited to the image with the title of "Bell". Now to add a check box field and test against that.

      And the tpl
      <li><img src="[[+image]]"/><p>[[+title]]</p></li>
      • On my blog, I went over a slightly different approach with a custom snippet to parse the MIGX values and filter it on a "set" field. It looks like you sorted it out, but as some food for thought smiley https://www.markhamstra.com/modx-blog/2012/04/managing-galleries-with-migx/
          Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

          Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
          • 36551
          • 416 Posts

          Thanks for that. I hadn't seen your posting on this. Obviously I haven't tested this extensively, but it seems a single parameter in the getimagelist is a lot simpler. Is there some additional capability your approach offers? Just curious.
