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    • 10076
    • 1,024 Posts
    Hi, I am getting this error message when I try to edit a document/resource:

    Because the Web User Groups and Manage User Groups conflict for your role this Resource will be public. Contact a site administrartor for futher help.

    This occured after the upgrade to 1.0.7. When I assign a superuser role to the user, the error goes, but when he/she tries to edit a resource, there are no tabs (general,settings,access permision) And no fields, like title, longtitle etc. So nothing to edit. In the role of admin there s no problem.
      • 30023
      • 172 Posts
      The upgrade is a red herring unless you have upgraded from a very old version of MODx; it's an issue with all MODx versions from at least 1.0.2 or thereabouts.

      I think the issue is something like this... If your manager user is not assigned to the document groups on the list that should appear under 'Access Permissions', then it doesn't get displayed - which is a right pain if you are only using document groups for front end purposes.

      Normally there is complete separation of webusers and manager users in MODx, but they both use the same document groups, hence the issue.

      I'm not sure why nothing is displayed at all in your case, but suspect there is a managermanager problem. Try disabling it to confirm this.

      -- Tim.

      PS. Google is your friend:
