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    • 36931
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    Dear All,
    I loosing my time tryinf to do somethin very easy::::::::

    I am calling a snippet called DateFR with a value (month of a date)
    [[+headingLabel:date=`[[DateFr? &mois=`%m`]] %Y`]]

    In my snippet, I get the mois value.
    I check if the vaiable is not empty, and I send the value to a function.

    My problem is that he does not reconize my value of the variable $month.
    if you echo $mois, it display 12, but the switch display "Mois introuvable" instead of Décembre.

    but you set the $mois to 12, it work

    echo $mois // It display 12

    $mois =12 //If you add this, it works, if you remove it it does work any more, even if echi $mois display well 12

    $mois = isset($mois) ? $mois : $mois="";
    function moisAff($mois) {
        switch ($mois)
            case ("01"): $moisaff = "Janvier"; break;
    	case ("02"): $moisaff = "Février"; break;
            case ("03"): $moisaff = "Mars"; break;
            case ("04"): $moisaff = "Avril"; break;
            case ("05"): $moisaff = "Mai"; break;
            case ("06"): $moisaff = "Juin"; break;
            case ("07"): $moisaff = "Juillet"; break;
            case ("08"): $moisaff = "Août";	break;
            case ("09"): $moisaff = "Septembre";break;
            case ("10"): $moisaff = "Octobre";break;
    	case ("11"): $moisaff = "Novembre";break;
    	case ("12"): $moisaff = "Décembre"; break;
    	default : $moisaff="Mois introuvable";
        return $moisaff;
    if($mois == ""){
    	echo "Aucun mois spécifié (Snippet DateFr)";
    	echo moisAff($mois);

    Someone know why happen?
    Will you free to ask me more detail

    • The %m is only for formatting the output of the PHP strftime() function, which is how the date output modifier works. %m by itself as a snippet property is meaningless.

      You should simply be able to use %B %Y in the placeholder's modifier, if your locale is set correctly. I presume that headingLabel's value is a timestamp?

      If for some reason you do need to return the month of a given timestamp from a snippet as you are doing, pass the timestamp as a property and use strftime('%m', $timestamp) inside the snippet code.


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        • 36931
        • 206 Posts
        I am sorry, but I dod not understand well.

        Here is my chunck called "tplMonth"
        <span class="label">[[+headingLabel:date=`[[DateFr? &mois=`%m`]] %Y`]]  | </span>

        Here is a snippet called "DateFr";
        $mois = isset($mois) ? $mois : $mois="";
        echo $mois; // This disply 12
        echo strftime('12', $timestamp); //This display 12
        echo strftime($mois, $timestamp) // THis display 01?????????

        I do not udnerstand why the fiest display 12, and the last display 01, while echo $mois display 12.

        I did noit understand your comment.
        Thank for your help
        • If you need your dates to be in French, why don't you set the locale in the System Settings? Then MODx will do it automatically. You can just use :date=`%B %Y`

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            • 36931
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            Quote from: sottwell at Dec 08, 2012, 07:45 PM
            If you need your dates to be in French, why don't you set the locale in the System Settings? Then MODx will do it automatically. You can just use :date=`%B %Y`

            Ho yes, I searches for this but I have not found it...
            I changed the setting "date_timezone" to Europe/Zurich but it did not work. May be I am wrong
              • 36931
              • 206 Posts
              Ok, I found it, and I lost so many time shocked(

              I set fr_CH to "local" setting.

              The last problem is I got that d�cembre 2012, with � shocked(, may be is du to the snippet I download. I search for that issue....

                • 36931
                • 206 Posts
                Yes but unfortunately, I can not dot that.
                I am using the Add-on mxcalendar and may be there is something wrong with.
                I could get the day in french by changing a setting to fr.
                But it did not affect the date of the month. It display December 2012.
                If I set fr_CH to "local" setting, it display d�cembre 2012 and morever, there is a bug with the day. The day are now displayed like this : mxcalendars.label_vendredi

                Then I have to but back my configuration and search again and find a solution for this
                $mois = isset($mois) ? $mois : $mois="";
                echo $mois; // This disply 12
                echo strftime('12', $timestamp); //This display 12
                echo strftime($mois, $timestamp) // THis display 01?????????
                • What is your charset setting? It should be utf-8.
                    Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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                    • 36931
                    • 206 Posts
                    Quote from: sottwell at Dec 08, 2012, 08:28 PM
                    What is your charset setting? It should be utf-8.
                    It is. I checked it