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    Two quick questions on removing items:

    • Is there a way to allow for removing multiple items at once? I see that you can control-click two items at once and they are correctly highlighted, but when you right-click and select "remove", it only removes the last item clicked. If this functionality doesn't exist yet, I would say it would be a hugely helpful addition to the next version, as a lot of users have asked me about this.
    • Is there a way to add a "remove" button to each item row in a MIGX table, thus requiring less clicks to remove items? I've had users complain about having to right click and then click "remove" to delete things.

    Let me know if either of these are possible, and if so how one might accomplish them. Thanks! [ed. note: presson83 last edited this post 11 years, 5 months ago.]
      Nick Hoag
      Creative Partner
      The FutureForward

      • 4172
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      The second will be possible with the next version where you can add custom-buttons to each record with the renderChunk - renderer

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 23849
        • 223 Posts
        Thanks for the info, Bruno. Do you have an ETA on the new release?

        Also, do you have anything setup for logging new functionality ideas? Would love to toss a couple into the mix if you were down (primarily #1 from the above).

        Let me know!
          Nick Hoag
          Creative Partner
          The FutureForward

          • 40045
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          Quote from: presson83 at Nov 30, 2012, 02:00 PM

          Also, do you have anything setup for logging new functionality ideas?

          =), github is your friend! https://github.com/Bruno17/MIGX/issues?state=open

          and the beta for the new version is already available also on github: https://github.com/Bruno17/MIGX/downloads

          I installed 2.4.0beta3 and it's in production use, but didn't try out the renderChunk feature, mainly bc of lacking documentation and no time do dig into this, but it looks very powerful!
            • 23849
            • 223 Posts
            Thanks exside! Good tip re:github, though my request is less of a bug and more of a feature idea.

            Good to know on the beta, though I will probably wait on some documentation as well. Looking forward to seeing what the renderChunk feature can accomplish!
              Nick Hoag
              Creative Partner
              The FutureForward
