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    • 40122
    • 330 Posts
    I have the following getResources line:

    [[!getResources? &parents=`5` &tpl=`projlink` ]]

    Then in the chunk I am using as a template (projlink) I have:
    <div class="projname">[[+pagetitle]]</div>
    <div class="projinfo">[[+tv.projinfo]]</div>

    Now the pagetitle displays fine but not the TV. Naturally I have checked that the resources retrieved do have templates that have the TV and that is fine. I just dont know whats going on. Can anyone help me out at all?

      • 40122
      • 330 Posts
      I got it... unlike Ditto I needed to include &includeTVs=`1`


      [[!getResources? &parents=`5` &tpl=`projlink` &includeTVs=`1` ]]