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    • 37693
    • 47 Posts

    I have a parent resource which uses a standard getResourcesTag call. This pulls in resources from multiple Articles containers.

    I use tagLister to display tags with the useTagFurl option set to true. This creates a URL /blog/tags/[tag name]; however, this produces a 404 page. When I dont' use useTagFurl, it works fine, but produces a less desirable URL blog/?tag=[tag name]&key=tags.

    I tried using htaccess to rewrite as outlined by splittingred here: http://forums.modx.com/thread/39563/friendly-url-s-and-taglister – but this did not seem to rewrite the URL i.e. it did nothing. I have

    Here's my code:

    - Revo 2.2.5
    - Articles 1.6.3
    - tagLister 1.1.7
    - Standard OS X / MAMP
      • 17930
      • 81 Posts
      I have the same issue.

      I'm wondering, are you using tagLister on a different Context than the normal web Context? That's what I'm doing and I'm not sure if that is causing the issue.
        • 17930
        • 81 Posts
        Could it be something in the .htaccess file that is messing things up?