I'm looking for a booking calendar for holiday lettings website.
Each apartment needs to have its availability calendar. I need to be able to search properties and check their availability.
Is there any add-on that I can use for it?
Was any one successful implementing such a solutions and can help me with it?
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I don't know of any extras that do exactly this. There are a few calendars that might work, but the only one I've worked with is mxCalendar. Unfortunately with mxCalendar, you can't book events across multiple days which would mean setting an individual event for each booked day. Not ideal.
Should a certain cheapskate client of mine ever buck up some cashola to migrate from static to MODX, I'll be looking for something similar.
Hi Zaphodx, I'm trying to use mxcalendar as you indicated. the problem is , I have for each house a different available days..so maybe there is a filter for events by resource id? How can I have multiple calendars or event filtering if it's only one calendar.