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    • 12262
    • 40 Posts

    probably a typical stupid neewbie question:

    I installed modx Revo 2.2.5 (having some small experience with an old modx version). In my assets folder there are only "components" and "templates" sub folders - no "images" as I would expect.

    In addition if I want to add a picture (e.g. using tinyMCE) it opens the complete "Medien" folder (german version) as base folder (holding assets, core... as sub folders) instead of an (of course not existing) images folder.

    Was the installation incomplete (but saw no errors) or what else am I missing?

    Thanks for any help in advance

    • That is perfectly normal. MODx installs with a minimal structure. You'll need to set up your own directory structure, as well as "media sources" to use for limiting access to different users to the file system.

      As a rule, the assets/components folder will contain external files such as .css and .js files for your site and custom elements, while .php code files as well as any xPDO files for defining custom database tables for snippets, plugins and any customized elements will be in the core/components folder.
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        • 12262
        • 40 Posts
        Thanks for that quick response...

        ... ok I understand and started adding sub folders and one or two basic media types like "images". But how can I make e.g. tinyMCE to preselect a certain media type (e.g. images) when adding an image?
