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    • 40088
    • 708 Posts
    I created a new User Group "Editor" using the below settings but they are unable to un-publish Resources despite those permissions being enabled. For example, if the user disables the "Publish" checkbox for a Resource and saves the change then later comes back to that same Resource the "Publish" checkbox is enabled again.

    I have 2 User Groups:


    1. I created a new Access Policy for the "Editor" User Group:
    Content Editor Modified

    2. This new policy uses the default "Administer Template".

    3. For the "Editor" User Group under the "Content Access" tab I assigned "Content Editor Modified" to both the "web" and "mgr" Contexts.

    4. The "Editor" User Group under the "Resource Group Access" tab uses the default "Resource" Access Policy.

    What else am I missing?
    Revo 2.2.5

    Thanks [ed. note: todd.b last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]
      • 40088
      • 708 Posts
      I'm making some progress.

      I started from scratch using Bob's tutorial http://rtfm.modx.com/x/TwIdAQ. The un-publish issue seems to be resolved. However there's a new problem: When the new user with an Editor Role edits a Resource the other User (an Admin with full rights) sees a "Locked by ..." alert where the Save button normally is.

      I'm sure I disabled any "lock" permissions for the user with the Editor Role. I'm not sure where else to look.
      • There's a steal lock permission in the resource policy. But the admin should have that policy enabled anyway.

        I'm not sure if a can steal locks policy means the user can see the lock and steal it somehow, or if the lock isn't supposed to show up. Try stealing it, heh...
          Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
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          • 40088
          • 708 Posts
          I think (hope) I got it sorted out. [crosses fingers]
