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    • 21714
    • 10 Posts

    The MIGX TV field has fixed width (~650px), and having three columns in the field causes things to get messy. How about setting width to 100% of available width, just like 'text' typed TV's are.

    Also I noticed that if I use use TinyMCE through MIGX, images won't show up in MIGX TV. However, they work in site and TinyMCE. For some reason, H1 element is displayed incorrectly as well.

    Screenshot attached for details.

    Thanks for the excellent add-on!
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      Are you trying to output tinyMCE-content in the grid? Think that isn't a very good idea.
      Didn't try the MIGX - preview feature (shows a rendered resource-content in an iframe) lastly. But if this is still working, it should be the better option.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 21714
        • 10 Posts
        Yes, I'm outputting tinyMCE-content in the grid. I'm building a multi-column layout system, where each content block contains one, two or three columns, depending on layout model.

        I want to avoid creating a new template every time I want a different layout for content. User can insert a new block, choose model (one column, two equal etc), and fill column contents using tinymce. This allows rapid content inserting with unlimited block combinations.

        In the screenshot the site consist of 4 blocks which are rearrangeable thanks to MIGX. It looks ugly, but hopefully it explains what I'm trying to accomplish.

        The problems with tinymce in grid are just cosmetic and I can live with that. Sorry for my poor english wink