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  • I'm at a bit of a loss here. I've used MaxiGallery many, many times in the past without problems. But now I have a site that heavily relies on JQuery 1.7.2 and I need to get a gallery going. I'll also preface this with I am not a programmer, I do not know php, javascript or jquery. I've been pretty good at grabbing the snippets that I need and getting them to work with a little help from the great ModX community. But this one has me stumped.

    Here are some of the details and I am also willing to pay someone who may know MaxiGallery well to just get this fixed for me. I don't have any more time to make this work.

    Here is the site: http://vintagerestaurantandbar.com/

    The gallery is on the Wedding Images button on the left.

    Here is my call (I know this won't work with the jquery on the page):
    [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &pics_per_row=`2` &max_thumb_size=`130` &max_pic_size=`0` &thumb_use_dropshadow=`0`!]

    I just need to get some kind of lightbox action happening on this.

    I tried doing the thickbox thing. I followed all of the directions and still got nothing to work. I see there is a way to run JQuery in a no conflict way, but that is way beyond me.

    The thumbnails are working, the uploads are working, I just desperately need to get ANY lightbox working.

    Any takers? Please let me know. [ed. note: mdsdesign last edited this post 11 years, 7 months ago.]
      Michael Smull
      twitter: @mdsdesign
      • 22427
      • 793 Posts
      Perhaps the following article could be helpful (especially the mentioned MaxiGallery parameter &disable_js_libs=`1`):